In my game most villages will have access to a spell caster. These spell casters will often be the local witch or wiseman/woman.
I know there is a Witch RM2 profession that works with RMC but for me I have found that the Sorcerer hybrid is the perfect fit for this role.
The sorcerer has access to the closed healing lists which fits with the idea of turning to the wise woman when there little hope of normal healing.
The sorcerer also has access to their own base lists which are great for putting ‘curses’ on people in the form of inducing neuroses.
Demon summoning and control is also great for requests for real revenge.
All in all the sorcerer is a great all rounder for the local villagers to rely on.
The point of this is to suggest to you to try creating an NPC sorcerer, dump the professional name and stick them in a hovel on the edge of a village.
There have been a few references this year about healers. How simply using them as a bolt on to the PC party is a cliche, how one can do more with them. What I am suggesting here is how about making the only healer available to the party a hag or a crazy old man in a hovel in the centre of the woods?

Not making the healer an attached part of the party means that the party now have to think strategically about their health and their healing.