Derrick was the GM of an epic 10+ year Shadow World campaign that took his players from start to mid 20th level. Derrick was able to incorporate much of Terry’s Shadow World material in his game and is a great example of the breadth and scope of the setting. Derrick’s players kept an adventure log and notes with 428 individual sessions that can be found here.
Resetting Shadow World post Terry Amthor
There has been a lot of discussion around the future of Shadow World since Terry passed away, generally around 2 basic topics:
- Finishing up Terry’s projects that were in the works: Emer IV, Loremaster Legacy 2, Wurilis etc.
- Creating new SW material. What would that look like and who would do it?
Putting aside #1, I think much of the hesitancy around bringing in new authors is concerns around the quality and consistency of new material. But I also think there is a secondary reason: Shadow World is not just a static setting for roleplaying, it’s an ongoing story that is left partially untold. That story arc is ostensibly the “Grand Campaign” but includes earlier campaigns like the “Legacy of the Seakdrake” found in Jaiman, various adventures in Emer books and the meta plot around the Secret Circle. It felt like this was slowly unfolding in each successive SW book, but the Loremaster Legacy novel basically packaged it up in fiction rather than gaming material. This was Terry’s story to tell and it basically drives a large part of the Kulthean timeline and major events in the Second and Third Era.
It feels like a lot of loose threads, even if we know where the story might eventual go–the destruction of the Shadow Stone and/or the return of the Northern Eye. How can a new writer come in and wrap this all up? It’s hard to imagine–a bit of Brandon Sanderson finishing up the Wheel of Time. At the same time, we know where and how it ends, so does it really need to be mapped out?
But I have an idea to “reset” the Shadow World setting: start the Fourth Era. For those that listened to my podcast with Max, he mentioned that his campaign ventured into the Fourth Era and I’ve spoken to a couple other GMs that also took the group into the future Era. I originally thought that the Fourth Era boundary would be the loss of the Northern Eye, but in hindsight, it now seems obvious that the Fourth Era should start with the return of the Northern Eye.
What would Kulthea look like in the Fourth Era? Several people I’ve talked to have gamed out their version of the Grand Campaign and given me some ideas. For the gaming group, this would be an epic quest, but would also involve notable NPCs, some major battles and probably some type of geographic damage caused by severe Essaence fluctuations and tertiary events (tidal waves, earthquakes etc). Key people would be killed! As a thought experiment, the possibilities are endless:
- Tarania emerges again from the sea due to shifts in the planets crust. The island, long submerged, reveals it’s secrets…
- Arriving in the nick of time to confront XXX, Andraax helps win the day but is killed or is missing.
- With the defeat of the Secret Circle, the Dragonlords being a campaign of conquest over various lands.
- Eidolon is destroyed and crashes to the earth. It’s ruins are guarded by the Prince of Sel-Kai, but adventurers sneak in anyway!
- Essaence flows are permanently shifted into new locations and pathways. The Navigators obelisk network is disrupted and needs to be recalibrated. In the meantime, Navigator Jump services are unreliable.
- The massive Essaence surges that preceded the Eye’s return, opened large portals to the Pales and hordes of Demons poured into Kulthea.
- Earthquakes, tidal waves and severe storms destroy coastal cities.
- The balance of power shifts and the Alliance grows in influence throughout Kulthea.
I’ve discussed previously about adventuring in Kulthea during the Interregnum but remaking Kulthea and starting the Fourth Era is a clean slate that closes out the plot(s) that Terry established and builds for the a new future. It would be logical to map out massive changes to Kulthea that would occur on a near global cataclysm and give Kulthea a “refresher”. Perhaps one that better incorporates the RMU ruleset.
RMU: Shadow World. Adventures in the 4th Era. “The Age of Woe”.
Kulthea is saved! The return of the Northern Eye rebalanced the erratic Flows of Essaence but at what cost? Gods battled Gods, Heroes fell and catastrophic storms left scars across the planet. New powers are emerging from the ashes of the Great Battle and vying for dominance in the Shadow World. The Unlife is unchecked and Demons run amok among the lands. Will the new world order be for good or evil?
This feels like a clean break from the unfinished past and a start with the new RMU ruleset. What do you think?
In Search of Andraax. Episode 02
Podcast: In Search of Andraax. Topics?

Just a quick note. I’m having great conversations with Rolemaster and Shadow World participants and creators via the Rolemaster Podcast: “In Search of Andraax”.
Do you have a long running Shadow World campaign? Do you have significant house material for Kulthea? Do you have some thoughts on Terry’s setting?
Let’s talk! I really enjoy to hear YOUR experiences, thoughts and directions on this amazing game setting!
Podcast Random Musings

I’ve been busy with work and with recording and editing new podcast episodes, and have lost a bit of momentum with the Rolemasterblog that I had been building! That’s frustrating, but there is only so many hours in the day. I had a few thoughts in my previous blog, but now that I’m immersed in a regular process I wanted to put a few thoughts and observations down.
- Including the first episode, I now have 3 programs recorded with 3 more scheduled. I have a rough outline for 10-12 total episodes so I’m halfway there!
- I’m on a learning curve with editing these recordings but still feeling frustrated at times with my skill set. I know this is probably very easy for someone that does this regularly! I’ll get there and hopefully not be judged too critically on sound widows, abrupt segues and transitions and audio artifacts.
- I’m pleased with the overall traffic and feel that there is a base to build on. My goal is to hook new Rolemaster users that have been drawn to the RMU release as well as long term players. I see this as a form of archiving a bit of gaming history that might have been lost or overlooked. Despite the market share that ICE once had, there is relatively little material on the the company or product development. It continually saddens me that I didn’t think to get Terry on a audio interview, perhaps a series of them!
- I prefer long form channels: blogs and now this podcast rather than short form/commentary/discord. Even when my writing is rushed, the process of writing in detail helps download and organize my thoughts and ideas. Many of my blog posts are really for me, and not structured for an audience. However, I wonder how I balance the requirements of both the blog and the podcast. As of now, the podcast is purely interviews with me acting as an unbiased narrator where the podcast is really my own thoughts and agenda. We’ll see how that turns out.
- I’ve reviewed a number of TTRPG podcasts. Many of them are short! 25-30 minutes. I guess if I was pumping out an episode every week I’d eventually get down to that short format. For now, I’m shooting for 1 to 1.5 hour shows. Is that too long? I guess it will be dictated by the discussion!!
- As I mentioned, I have content scheduled for a dozen or so episodes. I don’t want to dive into banality so this could be a limited series; but if anyone has a subject that they want to discuss in depth, a topic that should be explored or a person I should interview feel free to contact me!