I’ve been busy with work and with recording and editing new podcast episodes, and have lost a bit of momentum with the Rolemasterblog that I had been building! That’s frustrating, but there is only so many hours in the day. I had a few thoughts in my previous blog, but now that I’m immersed in a regular process I wanted to put a few thoughts and observations down.
- Including the first episode, I now have 3 programs recorded with 3 more scheduled. I have a rough outline for 10-12 total episodes so I’m halfway there!
- I’m on a learning curve with editing these recordings but still feeling frustrated at times with my skill set. I know this is probably very easy for someone that does this regularly! I’ll get there and hopefully not be judged too critically on sound widows, abrupt segues and transitions and audio artifacts.
- I’m pleased with the overall traffic and feel that there is a base to build on. My goal is to hook new Rolemaster users that have been drawn to the RMU release as well as long term players. I see this as a form of archiving a bit of gaming history that might have been lost or overlooked. Despite the market share that ICE once had, there is relatively little material on the the company or product development. It continually saddens me that I didn’t think to get Terry on a audio interview, perhaps a series of them!
- I prefer long form channels: blogs and now this podcast rather than short form/commentary/discord. Even when my writing is rushed, the process of writing in detail helps download and organize my thoughts and ideas. Many of my blog posts are really for me, and not structured for an audience. However, I wonder how I balance the requirements of both the blog and the podcast. As of now, the podcast is purely interviews with me acting as an unbiased narrator where the podcast is really my own thoughts and agenda. We’ll see how that turns out.
- I’ve reviewed a number of TTRPG podcasts. Many of them are short! 25-30 minutes. I guess if I was pumping out an episode every week I’d eventually get down to that short format. For now, I’m shooting for 1 to 1.5 hour shows. Is that too long? I guess it will be dictated by the discussion!!
- As I mentioned, I have content scheduled for a dozen or so episodes. I don’t want to dive into banality so this could be a limited series; but if anyone has a subject that they want to discuss in depth, a topic that should be explored or a person I should interview feel free to contact me!