With RPGNow being shut down, sales figures for that site have been added to those from DriveThruRPG. This has resulted in many of the 50 in 50 supplements reaching Copper level. Sixteen of them in fact, a third of the 48 published so far, and a few are not that far off reaching Silver (and close to 80% of supplements on DriveThruRPG are not even Copper). Thank you to everyone who has purchased them!
That is cool!
There are a couple of others on the borderline of Copper too; they’ve sold enough but not through DriveThruRPG. Probably the other sites. I consider the percentage that has achieved a metal level to be pretty good. Noticeably above average.
Peter, hope you are feeling better! Great job to the RMBlog team and Azukial games.!
And to you as well Brian!