Stolen credit?
Brian, what the hell are you talking about? Well first, there is no such thing as a new idea and certainly there are brilliant writers and developers in Hollywood…but..some of us at the Rolemasterblog might have stumbled upon some of the “plot sauce” that backed the largest grossing movie: Avengers: Endgame.
First, I typically charge a 10% success fee for my work, or a “finders fee” which I will happily share with my Rolemasterblog contributors. Avengers: EG grossed 2.79 BILLION so I think my ask is modest at best.
So how did we earn such a high sum? Well, direct your attention to a blog I posted in 2017. (note bold emphasis)
There is some great commentary but a few that stand out:
Peter, using Voice to Text or similar had this to offer:
“Many of the problems with time travel are the same as ghost posed with the forest owl edge spells“
Ha Ha, I’m just messing with Peter (who runs this blog and can shut me down anytime). Thanks Peter.
In all seriousness, in response to Voriig’s comment I responded thus:
I’m thinking time travel will be the necessary ingredient to the Grand Campaign–probably via Jinteni tech. I see the GC more and more as a Grand Heist–or stealing back some objects (northern eye, heart of agoth) that has already been stolen.
So there you go. A world saving disaster, a time travel solution and a complicated heist of needed artifacts. Yep, I completely solved the MCU corner they had backed themselves into. 2 years prior to the movie release.
You are welcome. (And thanks can be expressed with the purchase of our products on DTRPG).