In Search of Andraax. Episode 01.
I’m pleased to announce the first episode of our new Rolemaster/Shadow World Podcast: “In Search of Andraax”. This is our first time doing it, so recording and editing will improve with practice!
Here is the link to Apple Podcasts
Upcoming: The Rolemaster Podcast
This might be too early to announce, but it’s probably given that we have a fairly small, but passionate fanbase so it’s sort of necessary. We are in the process of rolling out a new Rolemaster/Shadow World based podcast: In Search of Andraax. This will be a monthly production sponsored by the
We have the first year production mapped out, but I want to solicit YOUR ideas for future podcasts content. Despite it’s current smaller market, Rolemaster was a GIANT of the industry, a pathmaker for other systems (DND 3ed) and for our readers, perhaps the RPG system of choice. It’s history needs to be further explored.
A quick search amongst Youtube and podcasts doesn’t generate a lot of great results: mostly game sessions, product reviews and the rare interview. I’m quite excited about our lineup and approach to the subject matter. If you have an “in” to a key person tied to Rolemaster, or an idea for us to explore, let us know. Is there someone we should interview or is there something you would like to know more about that hasn’t been explored?