Azukail Games – 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors

Azukail Games has given me another new toy to play with in the form of the booklet 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors a sibling product to

Azukail Games aim to, in their own words, “Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs” and their supplements normally comprise lists of really useful things that normally a GM has to come up with off the top of his head. These could be NPC names, tavern names or books on the shelp of a library or in this case 100 Creepy Things.

The elements in this work are not confined to your typical haunted house so you get sinister mists and fogs, my favourite is a stray dog who’s lead ends in a bloody tatter s on. There will inevitably be some cliches in here as any collection that missed them out would be blatantly incomplete but there are enough things listed to keep it fresh for a long time.

If you are not running a horror based campaign then you will not be dipping into this week in week out but the whole point of just about every one of AG’s resources is to have them to hand for when you need them. Right now this supplement costs just $1.59 on RPGnow and it is definitely worth that and more. There is a huge potential here to use each and every one of the 100 events as the jumping off point for an entirely new adventure!


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