For PT. 1 see HERE.
Over the last 6 years (barring the gaming break during COVID), I’ve had a chance to really experiment with high level gameplay via my “Legends of Shadow World” and another adventure I’m testing that also takes place on Charon.
Part of that game testing was introducing hard rules for Ascendancy that I was pondering back during that blog post in 2017. I think that post covered most of my thoughts, but there are really two parts to this:
- Additional vested powers that are gained at higher levels.
- The ability for characters (PCs or NPCs) to gain worshippers.
I’m still playing around with #2, but I’ve started instituting some specific benefits per #1. I’m generally starting these at Lvl 20, but I may bump that up to 25th lvl. Here are a few benefits that we’ve tried:
- Character is treated as +1 size.
- Stun reduction
- Magical resistance
- Disease & Poison resistance
- Essaence sensitivity
- Inherent spell ability (as appropriate)
- Self-healing
- Acute senses
- Heroic stat gain
Of course one obvious benefit is that this helps the disparity between casters and non-casters at higher levels. It also helps the “drudgery” of high level advancement where the marginal increase to skill ability is di minimis.
I don’t see this as a rule change for Rolemaster, instead I see this a natural progression of Terry’s implied rule setting in Shadow World. SW already “bent” the rules for multi-classing, clearly needs a benefit for ascension to local God hood, and in general SW is seen as a high-level setting. Ascendancy provides a new paradigm for high level adventuring, not unlike the 1983’s D&D Immortals supplement and can make high level Shadow World “post-level” in some aspects.
Would this differentiate Shadow World even more? Provide a different style and purpose of play at higher levels? What other game systems include rules for ascension?
Dragon kings (D&D 2ed) from Dark sun gave a high level system with godlike powers. Also Book of Immortals (from moongoose I used in 3.5 ed) and epic level handbook (3.5 D&D).