Brian: Hands down it’s the size rules (which may be changed or modified). Such a useful tool for scaling deadliness of a creature, spell, object or trap within the rule frame. I understand that many people didn’t like the math, but it really is fantastic.
Peter: This was a hard choice and I am wavering between two possibles. I love the experience rules. I first saw them in HARP and I am really pleased to see them being used as the default rules in RMU. I was using the HARP rules, house ruled into my RMC game but now I am using the RMU rules in their place. My other love is Spell Law, pretty much all of it from the completed spell lists to the use of the spell aquisition skill as spell mastery.
Interestingly Brian and I are on different sides of the RMU size rules argument. I found the rules cumbersome, awkward and terminally slow. They initally really applied mostly to Arms Law and I though I could just junk all of Arms Law and rewrite my existing combat tables to fit RMU, which I probably will do anyway. That was before I saw Creature Law and the normalised creatures. It is a tribute to RMU and all flavours of Rolemaster that it is so modular that something as central as these rules can be changed without breaking the system.
I understand the arguments on the size rules. But now that I’m writing a lot of adventure material, it’s a great notational tool for scaling traps and spells quickly and consistently.
I fully accept that away from the gaming table where no one is waiting on the result the size rules may well work.
I also accept that if you really value realism and that gritty feel then they are probably good as well.
For me it was just more numbers to track as sizes can go up and down from round to round or even within the same round for each combatant. Then having to multiply or divide the damage, shift critical and so on potentially every single time just made no sense to me.
It feels like the rules were intentionally left unfinished so the GM has to bridge the gap again and again in every combat where there is a size disparity.
The ability to move forward once RMU is complete without any more IP problems holding things up so that another couple of dozen companions can be created.
Okay, not strictly speaking a game benefit with RMU, but still important (and the companions idea may not be entirely serious. Or it may – they can be fun to read and get ideas from).