New Age!

My face to face group is finally coming around to using Fantasy Grounds. I have played in Fantasy Grounds games in the past, but was not massively impressed, I find the roleplay element became stilted and the maps and tokens took a lot of peoples attention. In many ways it started to resemble a table top wargame or board game, and not an RPG.

Our group is not going to get together any time soon. Fanasy Gounds is going to get another outing.

If anyone is running games on the platform, I could do with some assistance. As I say, I can join other people’s games but I cannot get the Port Forwarding to work to be able to be able to host a game.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it is because I am using wifi extenders, and I need to configure the port forwarding on these as well as the main router.

I am beginning to hate wifi networks, or is that wifi notworks?

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Double Feature

For the first time in what seems like months, we get two blog posts out in the same week!

I also published the Fanzine [Issue 43] last Friday and it is a double adventure issue.

I returned to the Undead this time. It seemed fitting seeing as the US was going Hallowe’en crazy, as normal. Things that will not just lay down and die seem quite fitting right now.

In Brian’s post, he talked about the fine details of RMu’s rules. I am hoping to receive a review copy before, or as, it hits the shelves. If I do, it is my intention to do a complete read-through, similar to the one I did for Zweihander a couple of months ago. A chapter by chapter analysis of what is in there and how it all works now.

To me, it feels like everything is waiting on the release of RMu now. It has been a very long wait and we deserve nice things.

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How we are doing now?

This is meant to be an intentionally vague and open question! A few thoughts from me.

  1. The Rolemasterblog has dropped a bit in internet RPG blog rankings from a few years ago. Now #59. Is this as simple as we are writing less blog posts? Has the initial enthusiasm for the RMBlog or RMU or even RM dropping a bit? So maybe neither good nor bad.
  2. COVID. Here in Maine, we are experiencing another surge in the pandemic. This could lead to another “shelter in place” or business shut down. I haven’t been able to visit my father in Florida for over a year and my family can only meet up via zoom. Heading to bad.
  3. RMU. Things seem to be progressing, but I’ve lost track of the small minutia around the rules. There still seems to be enthusiasm, so that’s good!
  4. Shadow World. Over at the discord server there seems to be a concerted group effort to write a SW module. This has been tried before, but they appear to be making progress. That’s good.
  5. 50 in 50. Things have really slowed down, BUT, the quality of our work has improved I think. Peter is putting out solid small adventures rather than the basic adventure hooks we focused on in version 1.
  6. My SW stuff. Obviously, I don’t have support of an editor, help with artwork and don’t have the time or skills to do so myself. I find the lack of feedback, positive or negative, to be disconcerting! I try to skew as close to Terry’s tone and style as I can, base it on Canon, (but filling in between the lines whenever possible). Is this material helpful? Useful? Used by other people? I don’t know! I would really like a few more collaborators to help push the SW “secondary market” further.
  7. Roleplaying. I look on with some envy on the popularity of “critical role” and other D&D based pop culture phenoms. Personally I cannot stand the tropes of Humans, Dwarf, Halfing, Elf vs Orc, Goblin, Troll; fighting dragons or Gygaxian settings. I don’t want to fight skeletons, large rats or live in the hollywood version of Middle Earth. That’s just me. However, I certainly love the fact that RPG’s are reaping the rewards of a life of gaming, fantasy, creativity and literature. Yay.

How are you doing?

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Fanzine Week

I am having one of those crazy weeks where many things come together to clamour for my time and attention.

In the midst of this, it totally slipped my mind that the Rolemaster fanzine is due on the 6th.

For want of anything truly exciting in the editorial front, I am creating more adventures.

As always I am only using creatures from C&T 1 and Creatures & Monsters. The logic being that we know that these will be the monsters featured in Creature Law. All the adventures I have created for the past 3 years are forward compatible with RMu, when it lands.

It is a long time since I did anything with intelligent weapons, with agendas of their own. You can expect one of them. I am also determined to keep on creating adventures that I would call ‘urban adventures’. There is one of those as well.

Depending on how the creative muses treat me, this will be either a double or triple adventure issue.

I am hoping to get it published on Friday.

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Pilot RPG Character Creation

I got a bit more of Pilot written this weekend. In many ways it is slow going, in others it skips forward pleasantly.

So far what we have is the 10 stats that you would expect. Stat bonuses use the ‘Hurin’s Rule’ of (Stat-50)/3. Temps are all 100 and and the absolute maximum value for a playable race is 101.

The rules are being evolved from Old School Essentials. The first change is that anything even vaguely D&D-like gives non-humans infravision, typically to 60′.

I didn’t want that. We [Terefang and I] are building the talents and flaws that are used to construct the ancestries (I don’t want to use the word race, so these are ancestries in the fantasy rules, species in the sci-fi game, others remain to be seen). Our Elves and Dwarves have grayscale darkvision which reduces penalties for seeing in low light.

That was the first explicitly RM style change.

We are working in a sort of tag team style at the moment. I write, I find something missing from the toolkit and Terefang makes it for me, as if by magic.

Right now, you can roll your stats, and choose an ancestry. The goal for this week will be to allow you to pick a culture. This will give you your final stats, some special bonuses from your talents and flaws and some starting skills.

I do not think the cultures will be particularly difficult. They should be largely the same as the Navigator RPG cultures, all baring the starfaring culture. We already have the rules in place for creating new cultures. It should be realively easy to translate them over.

The next part will be the first template professions. These will combine the two elements of the profession setting your skill costs and them coming with a predefined set of skills. In essence when you pick your profession, you get a Training Package at the same time.

This model makes character creation fast, there is no agonising over which skills are important for a starting character, that has been done for you. It is wonderfully easy to customise for a GM, you can have unique fighters from any tradition by finessing the skills.

The last stage will be that each player gets 20DP to spend on additional skills. This is a chance to customise your character, knowing that all your basic bases have been covered.

The skill list should be pretty much the same as the Navigator RPG list, but swapping in some low tech skills in place of the Piloting, Science and Engineering.

It is this part, the skills list that I think will eat up my development time for the rest of the month. It is also the cool bit for the character creation process.

If I can hit all my waypoints, in November I get to play with Terefang’s new magic system, cantrips, spells and rituals. That, I am looking forward to.

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Pilot RPG

On Sunday, I wrote the first words of Pilot RPG.

I have been reading and playing around with a sack full of OSR/OGL D&D clones looking for the one that strikes me as the right one to do the d20 to d100 conversion to.

Pilot RPG is a bit of a strange fusion of ideas. Firstly, it is about doing to a fantasy game what I did to White Star Whitebox and create a free and open retro-clone of Space Master. ICE had said in 2018 and again in 2019 that there were no plans for a RMu Space Master. I wanted to keep the idea alive and make something that you could use with the old ICE Spacemaster books.

From that game came an open project called Bare Metal Edition, which is a mechanics only version of the “d100+bonus and get over 100” system. Bare Metal Edition, BME, started by extracting the rules from Navigator RPG, and then building up from there. It builds up how to create and balance talents and flaws. How to use talents and flaws to build playable species. How to build cultures, and professions. It took the meditations and gifts from White Star and made a magic system. But that was just the beginning. The magic system exploded into all kinds of things like cantrips and rituals, the talent and flaws spawned super powers. It has a tool for creating unique weapons and critical tables for anything and everything.

In theory BME can create a Rolemaster style game in any genre. I say in theory, because no one has every tried.

Enter Pilot RPG.

I am now going to use the rules of BME, and try and use them to do the conversion of a D&D retro-clone and produce a fantasy version.

What I am expecting is that Pilot will throw a spotlight on missing elements of BME, and BME will be improved by it.

I am also hoping that Pilot will become a painting by numbers project where the rules I need are already there, I just need to reword everything into fantasy terms.

When I was programming, back in the day, the buzzword was RAD, Rapid Application Development. What I am hoping for is that BME will be the RAD for rolemaster style games.

I am not looking to steal away users from Rolemaster, that was never my intention, but from Navigator RPG in the far future, and Pilot in the medieval, we have two ends of timeline that can accomodate converting Eldritch Tales to make a 1920s/30s Cthulhu game, and Operation Whitebox to make a Kelly’s Heroes inspired WWII game. I also want to create a near future zombie apocalypse version.

These three, Eldritch, WWII, and post-apocalypse are genres where Rolemaster never went. There are others that just sound incredibly good fun. Wuxia? Gun-Fu? Gold Rush/Tombstone?

Creating very specific niche games makes no commercial sense at all. They cannot possibly make enough money to recoup their development costs, unless of course the development has already been done. These can, and will end up as easy and building a Cyberpunk city out of lego. Building it is easy, knowing when to stop would be the hard bit.

It was always my aim to get Pilot RPG in the public sphere in 2020.

The base system I have settled on is Old School Essentials. I am 1000 words into the document.

This is the land of the Pilot, now I just need to bring it to life.

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Elven Mysticism

(This article was written by Jengada from the ICE forums, but posted by me, as he doesn’t have writers status on the blog yet)

A couple of COVID-months ago, there was a discussion of mystics on the Blog. Many people view the mystic as a weak class, or don’t really know what to do with them. I actually think they’re one of the most appealing classes, and challenging in a positive way. 

I’ve had a specific mystic culture in my campaign for 30 years, but recently a new player wanted an elven mystic. This took a number of questions I’ve pondered in my campaign, and shoved them in my face like a 100 C-Krush crit. If mystics are difficult, elves that “do not age or grow old” and “are virtually immortal” pose even bigger questions, and now they’re colliding. 

Mysticism is about the relationship between self, cosmos, and any divine powers. We can draw on the real world for ideas of how a human sees these, but what happens when the being trying to understand that relationship watches centuries of change in the world, in nature and among other species like humans and dwarves? What are the questions they ask, and how would that affect the focus of elven mystics? Here’s what I came up with – it’s a work in progress, so please comment.

(While Rolemaster canon has elves as not aging or growing old, in my campaign I give them finite lifespans of a few thousand years. It’s hard enough dealing with a 300-year-old elf that knows all of human history, never mind 3000 years! Infinite lifespan would amplify many of the points I make in the following discussion.)

Elven mysticism is profoundly influenced by their exceptionally long lives, the rarity of birth among them, and lack of experience with death. Like all mystic philosophies, it centers on understanding the relationships between self, the universe, and the divine. It focuses on broadening one’s experience of the universe as a way of reaching such understanding. 

Imagine all of the things an elf mystic could do, in their thousands of years, to experience the universe more intimately. Watching time unfold over seasons, seeing the variations in life- and death-cycles for different creatures, centuries of changing landscapes and civilizations – the insights they could draw! And if they could be other creatures for extended periods? Or plants? Or just inert matter?

Many elves recognize patterns in animal behavior after observing the animals for years. But other “intelligent” races, which the elves encounter less often than, for example, birds, fish, or cats, are less familiar to them. Mystics may find sentient races to be the most novel aspects of the world they have ever seen. A mystic might spend years watching a particular sentient individual, closely or at a distance, trying to learn how they experience the world and how their emotions work.

Elven mystics are obsessed with birth, and the newborn consciousness. Because elven births are rare, mystics will seek them out to be present. There are tales of female mystics seeking to bond with their own offspring during birth, only to drive both mad. Instead, novice mystics may simply seek to observe the birth of other elves, or animals. Adept mystics may be capable of forming a psychic link with mother or young and try to experience the consciousness as it first emerges.

The concept of death and the experience of passing is considered one of the biggest unknowns or windows through which to gain awareness, and elven mystics tend to fixate on observing death, or interrogating those who are dying to learn what they are experiencing. There is no record of an elven mystic committing suicide to achieve this knowledge, however, leading some to question their sincerity in their search and others to see it as a testament to the mind’s will to survive.

Elves as a species have a very different sense of time from humans or others of shorter lifespan. They have no personal need to hurry, and by the time they are adults they have experienced many things over, and over. These things will happen again, so there is no urgency in the moment. Because of this, they often seem uninterested or unfocused on matters other species consider very important. For similar reasons, encountering a situation or object that is unlike others they have experienced will draw their attention strongly, to the exclusion of almost all else. In the end, they again come across as distracted and unfocused, to those of lesser lifespans.

The general tendency among the elves is to keep to themselves. They build their cities in places others are not likely to venture, and many of them never experience a member of a non-elf species, despite their long lives. Elven mystics are exceptionally rare, in that they tend to travel far and wide. They experience space on a scale commensurate to the span of their years as part of their hunger for understanding and experience.

The search for expanded consciousness or linking with the divine or the cosmos has led elven mystics to develop a variety of methods and substances to open the mind or reach outward. They refer to these experiences as “opening the bridge” to the universe or the divine. Methods may include meditation, spell-initiated experiences, or physical ordeals that bring them to new perspectives. Substances include plant-based elixirs or foods or alchemical potions. Some mystics spend a great deal of time searching for new methods of opening the bridge. Bridge experiences may be brief visions, or they may involve prolonged trances. 

These are some of the key factors I’ve thought of to make elven mystics unique, and suited to the culture that frames them. As I noted, if your elves are truly immortal, or “created” rather than born, there are some different twists you could put on the concepts above. Mystics can be a great mirror of a culture in your world, and a good player can use that mirror to make a mystic character very valuable to their party.

Mechanics in my RM2 game:

Adrenal Moves cost 3 instead of 5. 

Ambush cost is 5 instead of 4. 

Meditation cost is 1/2.

Level Bonuses: Elven mystics get +1/level for Perception, Subterfuge, Item, Directed Spell, and Adrenal Move skills. They get +2/level for Base Spells.

Spell Lists: Elven mystics get four of the standard RM2 mystic base lists: Confusing Ways, Mystical Change, Liquid Alteration, and Gas Alteration. They can choose two of the following lists as their other base lists, to reflect personal focus: Hiding (Mystic base), Solid Alteration (Mystic base), Body Renewal (Monk base), Sense Through Others (Seer Base), Light Molding OR Sound Molding OR Feel-Taste-Smell Molding (Illusionist Base), Mind Merge (Mentalist base), or Immersions (Custom mystic base).

The Immersions list is provided here as a pdf.

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Missing my Dose of Rolemaster

Right about now, I should be knee deep in the preparation for my gaming weekend. We would get together for a long weekend of Rolemaster. Me running my game in the Forgotten Realms, and I get to play my Lay Healer in a home brew world or exceptionally high magic.

My players are going head to head with a Dark Stalker, which has been pumped up in level. They know it is coming and think they have laid a trap for it. This is a cliffhanger moment that was not supposed to take a year or more to resolve.

It is also becoming increasingly difficult to keep the blog going. RMu discussions are pointless, the beta is closed, the rules locked down. There is nothing to talk about there.

I am not playing or even doing much prepping, so that is not throwing up many interesting situations or questions.

The RM community is moving over towards Discord, and that answers questions in minutes, where a blog is a long answer format.

I could move over to Fantasy Grounds or Roll20 but I have never enjoyed those VTT platforms. Is bad rolemaster better than no rolemaster? At the moment, not for me.

That could be that I have never had a great VTT GM. I know that many people love VTT games. It is just not my thing. It is not helped in that my broadband is satellite, I get a ping time often up to a second, which gives me massive lag with any kind of streaming or live feed.

I could write about the 50in50 adventures, but too much of that, too often, and it starts to feel a bit spammy. The blog does not exist to flog stuff to the readers. The adventures are written to support the readers. The first time we released one a week, but you couldn’t play them that fast, and that was when people had regular weekly games.

This time we are going a bit slower. Less 50in50, more 50 in whenever…

I most definitely have that ‘enough covid, I want to move on now…’ feeling.

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0th Level

I was looking at Dungeon Crawl Classics today. They have a free starter set that goes from level 0 to 2nd level.

Yes, it starts at 0th level.

At that point, you are No Profession. You get to play your character and you are suitably unskilled at just about everything. If you survive, you get to choose your class/profession when you progress to level 1.

We have always done this just by giving the character 10,000 EXP and using their chosen profession skill costs.

The point of the 0th level funnel, as it is called, is that it weeds out some characters, and only the fittest survive. DCC appears to be very much like Basic D&D (remember I have only looked through the quickstart, I haven’t played this at all) which means creating a character is a matter of minutes. In consequence, losing a character that took 3 minutes to make is of little consequence.

In Rolemaster terms, writing a 0th level adventure with only skill challenges, or maybe a fist fight for groups that really cannot go without combat, should be easy enough.

You could run a basic adventure using just Race and Culture abilities, making the characters pretty quick and easy to create.

Then you pit these 0th level characters against a local problem, some other 0th level antagonists and see how they play out. After that, you can level them up to 1st level.

I am ignoring the idea that 1st level is supposedly a child, and that RMu was suggesting 3rd level as a starting point.

Does this idea have legs?

It shouldn’t be any more lethal than any other game, if the characters are 0th level and the foes they face are equally 0th level, everything really comes down to problem solving and teamwork, not huge OB bonuses and spell lists.

Just a thought.

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RMu Training Packages

The discussion on the forums that caught my eye this week was the discussion about RMu Training packages.

I am not a fan of Training Packages, but like Hurin pointed out, TPs are not part of the RM2/RMC way of thinking.

From the outside looking in, TPs appear to slow down character creation simply by dint of there being so many possible TPs to consider, add to book bloat, because TPs end up being spread over multiple companions and GM notes, and encourage min/maxing by picking TPs that give the biggest discounts for the skills or spells that you were going to buy anyway.

That looks like a really negative list. The reason there are no positives on it is because I have never played in a game with them, so I have never seen the benefits at the table.

But does RMu need them?

Need is a strong word. The way I see it is that if you have really nice rules for creating professions built in to the core rules, can the GM not just create unique variations of the core professions to reflect the subtleties of their setting? Nibble a point of a skill here, add a point there and you can shape the professions as you want them. If you want to make wood elf culture more brutal, make the performing arts and crafts more expensive and shave a point off of the combat and subterfuge skills.

It all remains balanced, it makes your world more unique and rich in lore.

I recently got to play with The Lore System. This is a d00 lite system. Its unique feature is called Lore Sheets. Sheets are a bit if a misnomer as a sheet is about 3 sentences. You work with the GM and then write two or three sentences in the first person. These sentences describe something of your place in the world, and come with a game mechanical advantage.

An example would be something like “I grew up in a gang run by the thieves guild in Eidolon, and still know many members. I get +5 to streetwise and attempts to bribe lower-ranking officials inside the city.

The nice thing about Lore Sheets is that they tie the character in to the setting. They are negotiated between the GM and player. That +5 could just as easily be +10 or +25. The bonuses the GM wants to give are up to them.

Another advantage is that there is no library of existing lore sheets that players need to browse through to find the lore sheets that fit their need.

TPs are described as history. Lore Sheets are rooted in the characters background/story but are also current. ‘I did this then, so I can do this now’.

In the Lore System, lore sheets come and go. If you upset the thieves guild, you could lose that benefit, but if you entered the employ of a lore master you could gain something else. As long as it is all wrapped up in the game world I think that lore sheets tick the same mechanical box as the TPs, without the min/maxing and game bloat drawbacks. Lore sheets also help a player understand where their character is coming from.

I know players that write their backstory during char gen, and then never reference it ever again. Lore sheets add the benefit, because they are written first person and feature on the character record, front and centre, that they instantly bring the characters background into the present.

The flaw with the lore sheet model is that it doesn’t sell books. You can fill entire companions with TPs. TPs build Companions and Companions drive sales.

Companions full of optional stuff is the ICE way of doing things, and it seems to work for PathFinder.

I, personally, would be cautious with doing that with RMu. The entire RM brand is sensitive to the accusation of bloat. That accusation is false and unfair, just look at PathFinder. RM is a minnow by comparison, but truth and opinion are often strangers.

I would launch the core rules, and then build adventures that use those rules. As soon as you start outputting optional rules, writing adventures becomes impossible. Optional rules produce power creep, simply by virtue of the fact that later characters had more options to choose from, so can choose options that suit them that earlier characters did not have.

As you get power creep, and adventure that is not optimised with the newest optional rules becomes a walkover for newer characters.

If an adventure does use all the available options, then the GM needs to have spent $1000 buying every possible book just to play a $9.99 adventure.

So that is my thoughts on TPs, but I reiterate, I haven’t used TPs so I don’t really know what good they do to a game. I have used lore sheets and I am very impressed with them. I will be introducing them into my game when we get to play face to face again.

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