Rolemaster Deconstruction: Daily X Magic Items.

Back from vacation and thought I would dip my toe back into blogging with a short deconstruction article! Today I wanted to address “Daily X” items and the mechanics around it.

When I first started with RM, the Daily X magic items were great: they softened the power of traditional permanent items found in D&D and they worked well with the Imbedding spell lists. These items were also a great way to augment player shortcomings or add spell capability to non-magic users.

My only real issue is the “Daily X” part itself–that the spell abilities “recover” at the start of the next day. Sort of an instant charge that occurs at 12:01. I’ve had players abuse this before; they scheduled attacks right before midnight hoping to use their Daily X items right before, and then again, right after midnight. Certainly that’s an annoying exploit and a sensible GM may arbitrarily stop that…but that’s not how the rule reads.

To avoid this type of rule abuse, I changed “Daily X” definition to a per/hour calculation. So a Daily V item could be used up to once per 5 hours or a Daily I every 24 hours. This certainly nerfs the Daily X items, but I also have Battle Runes, permanent imbeds and other options in the BASiL lists to fill in those gaps.

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Hot Off The Presses!

In this week’s round up of new publications we have two new releases.

First up is our 50 in 50 adventure Star Mangled Manor written by me, and damn fine it is too! To quote the blurb “Star Mangled Manor is a short, dangerous encounter for high level characters with a powerful demon. After an attempt at demon summoning goes disastrously wrong, the characters are the only survivors in the vicinity, apart from the demon. Leaving them as the first creatures it sees.” I think you can probably guess how that is going to go down.

Next up is Issue 9 of the Rolemaster Fanzine is now live as a PDF on rpgnow/drivethru. This issue brings Brian’s Shadow World Encounter Tables in Print form. There is going to be a regular Shadow World section every month from now on so this is just the start.

This issue also has two new monsters and the first new animal. These will all be going in the wiki later this week. You also get three adventures!

That is it for this week.

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Tomes of Cthulhu by another route

Egdcltd (Azukail Games) has kindly sent me a copy of Tomes of Cthulhu. This supplement details 40 books, journals or tomes to add colour and detail to a Cthulhu based game.

Like nearly all of Azukail Games supplements this is system neutral so if you were running a Rolemaster based Cthulhu game you could use this just as easily as alongside one of the official Cthulhu games.

Each book is steeped in details about how it was written, the author, where and how it was lost or found and they are all suggestive of adventure hooks. Not all Cthulhu is based in the 1920s so the book descriptions consider the influence of time between writing and the game setting. It looks like a lot of thought and work has gone into this supplement.

This got me thinking about Rolemaster and Cthulhu. My Cthulhu experience was all with the Chaosium game which was very much based on the RuneQuest game mechanics with a bit of insanity thrown in.

So we already have insanity, if sorts, with the Fear rules. Parapsychology was an essential skill in those games and there is no difficulty in adding a skill to rolemaster for that purpose.

Making magic unavailable to the players is not something that requires a rules change, it is simply a GM/world building choice. It was my experience that magic was slowly revealed to the characters as the story developed.

The magic itself as far as I can remember was more of the summoning and control style so putting together customised spell lists would be easy enough. Anyone who was a keeper of the secrets  (GM) would have a better understanding of the spells needed.

There is nothing here that RM cannot cope with except one thing.

The go to weapons of the 1920s and 30s were firearms. I have always felt that guns in RM and Spacemaster for that matter were disappointing. I had always used Spacemaster until I discovered 10 Million Ways to Die. Even with the add on book guns are not really any better, 20 or 30 hits plus a critical just do not make guns scary. Spacemaster 1st edition was by far the worst with a 11mm Automatic doing a maximum damage of about 15 to 20 hits against unarmed targets.

I know this is intothatdarkness’s speciality but it had never occurred to me that this is the only thing stopping people from running a perfectly capable Cthulhu game using Rolemaster rules.

I know this is a little premature but this is something that RMU (for muskets and the like) and SMU (should it ever happen) needs to address.

So I have wandered off topic a little but if you were looking to run something a little different then consider this take a copy of Don’t Let Them Take You Alive (PWYW) for the setting, Tomes of Cthulhu ($2.99) for a bit of flavour and your favourite RM/SM version with guns and have a fun night of horror and insanity.

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“what is necessary, but nothing more AND nothing less”

I continued to be a big fan of RM/SM until 1989. I could see ways to do just about every gaming setting, and several non-gaming settings (Aliens, Dune, etc.) using those rules. But, something happened over the summer of 1989. I was at DragonCon, and a naval war gamer challenged me that if I need more than 1 sheet of paper (4 pages) for rules, for a war game, then that was too many. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t get away from the idea of minimalism.

Though, he was an extreme-minimalist. Minimalism isn’t “the least”. It’s “what is necessary, but nothing more AND nothing less”.

The quote above comes from the Stargazer’s World site in a comment on Michael Wolf’s review of RMU. The comment was by a regular contributor called Johnkzin.

It is an interesting idea, what is necessary, but nothing more AND nothing less.

I have had that going around my head all week. They are talking about wargames and RPGs are not wargames. What that means to me is that to play the game at the table the monster stats are not part of that 4 page limit. Monsters and their stats are easily condensed down to what the GM needs at the table but the monster book is a resource and not ‘rules’.

I think spells and spell lists are part of the PC or NPC. You can give your players a copy of their own lists, I think that is pretty much common practice, and the same for NPCs. The rest of spell law is just reference material and not rules needed at the gaming table.

I also think that character creation is not needed at the table and does not need to count towards our 4 page limit.

That removes a lot of bulk.

So what do we need? Arms Law for one and skill resolution for a second. Base Spells and resistance rolls for third. One is relatively big and the other relatively small and spell casting is just a simple look up. So how low can we go?

The following two documents are a single page (2 sides) super condensed combat and skills resolution version of Rolemaster. This is really not intended to challenge Arms Law in any way and it is not meant to be historically accurate. You will also notice that it draws on bits of MERP, bits of RMU and everything in between.

What you get is a single attack table that is generic but below it are modifications for each weapon so to all intents and purposes each weapon is differentiated.

You get a hit location system using the units dice to give a 1-0 result.

The critical is then rolled for that location and the bonus damage, stun and bleeding scales with the critical severity. The GM also has to insert descriptive words like blow/strike/hit to vary things a little. Each critical does come in two parts for armoured and unarmoured so what looks like just 16 possible criticals is actually nearer to 100 possible outcomes.

Why would anyone ever want to use this?

One of the best roleplaying sessions I ever played in took place on bicycles riding though country lanes. We used the stop watch function on digital watches (this was the early 80s) for dice and we knew our characters and the rules of D&D well enough to not need any books. That sort of game session is almost impossible with Rolemaster because of its table dependence. On the other hand if you had a dice roller app on your phone and just these two pdfs you could pretty much run an impromptu game session with nothing else.

I would go so far as to say that you could run an entire game session using this and most of your players would not notice the difference unless a particular favourite critical should have come up.

This is a bit too minimalist even for me but it was an interesting experiment.

Does anyone think they could do a 2 page character creation? I suspect I could, but then I have had a week’s head start.

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Tie a yellow ribbon around the Angry Druid!

This post was meant to be published yesterday but I was up before dawn on my way to my first ever elite fencing competition. The difference between sport and combat is that I would have died about 17 seconds in if this was a combat but as it was I vanquished two foes but was defeated five times myself. Not the best hit rate by anyone’s reckoning. If there is every a quest to save the world, I am probably not the hero you are looking for.

The weird title to this post is a bastardisation of the latest two 50 in 50 adventures. I wrote ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon‘ and Brian produced ‘The Angry Druid‘.

I always try and have fun with my adventure titles and in this case Tie A Yellow Ribbon is obviously a reference to a dreadful 1970s song but is a deadly serious adventure which could cost either the players or hundreds of innocents their lives.

On the other hand The Angry Druid sounds like a dangerous foe, which he is, but is actually a bit of a tongue in cheek adventure.

We have passed a bit of a milestone and you can now by a bundle of the first 10 adventures, at a discount if you have bought any of the individual issues. The 1-10 bundle is obviously going to be the first of at least 5 bundles.

Going forward there is going to be a post each Saturday with a round up of what we have published this week. I think I will recap any new uploads in the same post.

I feel that this is going to grow in importance in 2018. Looking at the Directors Briefing for January, if you are not using Shadow World then excepting RMU there are no planned releases for RMC/RMSS or Spacemaster for 2018 at all.

While we await the Singularity we will try and keep RM alive and kicking!

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2017 Highlights

I have Google Analytics installed on the blog so I can see how many visitors we get, roughly where you are coming from, what pages you visit most often and that sort of thing.


Looking back over the past year a few posts in particular stand out.

These are our most commented on posts:

RMU – to infinity and beyond!

‘Well sir, if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here’

Is Rolemaster Worth Saving?

Rolemaster deconstruction: questioning the undead.

Now 3 out of 4 were all about RMU. I think that is really positive. We obviously care about RMU and the future of Rolemaster.

On a typical day we get about 40 unique people on the blog. When I say unique that is Googles term not mine. If you checked the site on your phone and then on your laptop you would count twice as different cookies were set. The day the ironcrown site went down we got 473 unique visitors. That means, in my eyes, that this blog is only reaching 1 in 12 of the active RM community. I think that is a ‘could do better’.

And talking of doing better. The single post that was read the most times was…

Rolemaster Character Creation in 15 Minutes.


Back in 2014 it was just me putting out 2 posts a week. The very first comment was actually by Spectre771 on December 14th 2014 about three weeks after the blog started.

In 2017 we have had more writers than ever before.




…and most recently…


I suspect that our most prolific commentator has to be Hurin, but then that is no surprise!

I would like to thank all of you and all the other people who have commented or read the blog last year.


This was probably the biggest change in 2017. We have published the first 10 of the 50 in 50 adventure outlines. These are also available as a bundle if you haven’t already checked them out. The ones with the hilariously funny/clever/witty titles were written by me (please read that as being humorous and not egotistical). From what I have seen the most popular by sales so far are:

  1. The City of Spiders
  2. Spire’s Reach
  3. Creatures Of The Night!

You can grab the 1-10 bundle from RPGNow.

In addition to adventure outlines we published the first 7 issues of the Rolemaster Fanzine. You can see them all here. This has been a year of experimenting with the fanzine and it is now available as a PDF on the OneBookShelf sites and in print version on Amazon and on Kindle. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free!

2017 also saw the introduction of two new site sections. Our free downloads section (see the menu above). Project BASiL is by far the most popular download.

The second new section is the monster Wiki. This is still lagging behind reality at the moment. I have created more monsters than are featured in the wiki. I will be setting aside an evening shortly to upload a whole bunch more. There is a suggestion that the monsters should have skills and professions and I think this is a good idea. Any registered blog user should be able to edit the monster entries and add things like that to them. I also want to update the references to the Spell Law lists to point to BASiL lists. That should help keep players on their toes if there are completely new spells coming at them!

So that is my look back on 2017. I think we have both achieved a lot and at the same time barely scratched the surface! The best thing is that even after 3 years I have never once sat down to write a post and thought “I don’t know what to write.” If anything I need 2018 to be a year of completing projects so I can make some more space on my todo list for the crowd of ideas I haven’t been able to work on yet.

(That To infinity and beyond post was not particularly brilliant but it triggered a crystallisation of thoughts from that post and others have have written elsewhere by me and others. I will try and get them all together into something exciting for next week.)



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Medium humanoid
Level 5

Armor Type 6/20 3/10 (+10/+30 with shield) (leather armour, shield)

Hits 60

Speed 6’/sec

Max Pace Max Pace Fast Sprint /+10

65 60 30 50 35
+10 +5 -10 +0 -10

Environment: Warm plains

Organization: Solitary, pair, hunting party (2-5 and 1-2 hyenas), band (10-100 plus 50% non-combatants plus 1 8th-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 10th-12th level and 5-8 hyenas), or tribe (20-200 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 10th or 11th level, 1 leader of 16th-18th level, and 7-12 hyenas; underground lairs also have 1-3 trolls)

Gnolls are hyena-headed, evil humanoids that wander in loose tribes. Most gnolls have dirty yellow or reddish-brown fur. A gnoll is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more. A gnoll is about 7½ feet tall and weighs 300 pounds. Gnolls speak Gnoll.


Gnolls like to attack when they have the advantage of numbers, using horde tactics and their physical strength to overwhelm and knock down their opponents. They show little discipline when fighting unless they have a strong leader; at such times, they can maintain ranks and fight as a unit. While they do not usually prepare traps, they do use ambushes and try to attack from a flanking position. Because of its shield, a gnoll’s modifier on Hide checks (untrained) is -2, which means gnolls always take special care to seek favourable conditions when laying ambushes (such as darkness, cover, or some other form of advantageous terrain).

Rampage. When the gnoll kills, knocks out or incapacitates its target it may attempt to roll adrenal move speed at +25 for the following round.


Bite. Medium Bite +90OB

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +85 OB

Longbow. +35 OB

Gnoll Sergeant

Level 8

Armor Type 6/20 3/10 (+10/+30 with shield) (leather armour, shield)

Hits 70

Speed 6’/sec

Max Pace Max Pace Fast Sprint /+10

Bite. Medium Bite +110 OB

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +105 OB

Longbow. +50 OB

Gnoll Lieutenant

Level 11

Armor Type 6/20 3/10 (+10/+30 with shield) (leather armour, shield)

Hits 81

Speed 6’/sec

Max Pace Max Pace Fast Sprint /+10

Bite. Medium Bite +125OB

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +120 OB

Longbow. +70 OB

Gnoll Leader

Level 18

Armor Type 6/20 3/10 (+10/+30 with shield) (leather armour, shield)

Hits 102

Speed 6’/sec

Max Pace Max Pace Fast Sprint /+10

Bite. Medium Bite +155OB

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +150 OB

Longbow. +75 OB

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So this is 2018!

I am really excited about 2018. We have a new ‘thing’ to look forward to and that is Nicholas’s Singularity. You should read the Directors Briefing for more.

Since November 2014 I have tried to post every Monday and Friday, sometimes I have missed a day but more frequently we and I have posted much more often. For 2018 I am moving my Friday post to Saturdays. The focus of this Saturday post will be publications. We have the 50 in 50 adventures in conjunction with Azukail Games. These tend to be released on a Saturday. In addition there is the Monthly fanzine which from this month’s issue will have a regular Shadow World section. To start with it will mostly involved serialising Brian’s downloads. I am 99.99% certain that I can twist Brian’s arm to write some new and unique Shadow World content going forward.

The next exciting thing is the new RMU play test game I will be running. I am using RPOL for hosting it. I created the game this week and I will be contacting the players later today to get their usernames so I can add them to the game. I am hoping this will be a rich vein of content for the blog. It has to be the rpg equivalent of “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” It is one thing to be talking about what we think of this or that rule in RMU but to be actually playing it puts our money where our mouth is, so to speak.

So all that remains is for me to wish all of you a great 2018.

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Rolemaster & Fantasy RPG’s. What are monsters really?

Since this is my last blog post for several weeks I thought I would write on a more general topic: Monsters. While “Monsters” are the mainstay of fantasy RPG’s, they were not entirely embraced by Rolemaster. Again, probably due to the influence of the generally monster-less Middle Earth and Pete Fenlon’s original campaign.

Even my earliest experiences with RM coming off of AD&D, I always appreciated the monster-lite approach that was in sharp contrast to the Gygaxian Naturalism found in the Monster Manual and Fiend Folio. The parade of fantastical creatures felt like an endless one-up manship that could never be slated.

Even Rolemaster’s “Creatures & Treasures” generally avoided the term monster and looking through it, there were very few truly bizarre creatures. The standard dragon/griffin/unicorn mythical tropes were all there but the homogenization process of monster creation was lacking. Shadow World introduced a few cool “monsters” (artificial creatures) but these were setting driven and fit into the conceptual world framework.

In the real world, “Monsters” are imaginary, fictional beings. What then would you call creatures that were as real and encounter-able as horses, giraffes or alligators? In a few recent Post, I discussed whether monsters should be treated like any other race or creature; those with intelligence should be considered a “Race” just as much as a human or Elf.

The larger issue of course is whether the term “Monster” becomes less an abstract idea then a defining rule mechanic. For instance, D&D created spells for summoning or controlling “Monsters” and spells for summoning or controlling “Animals”. Suddenly we have a delineating wall–a need to classify creatures as monsters or animals. A simplistic approach would be to define “Animals” as creatures that exist in our real world, while “Monsters” are fantasy creatures that exist in the rule books. Doesn’t that sort of feel like ‘breaking the fourth wall’ from a rule perspective? Another mechanism would be that Clerics/Druids can Summon/Control Animals while Mages can summon/control Monsters. Again, that feels quite arbitrary doesn’t it?

These are real questions I ask myself while I work on various spell list re-writes. Putting aside Gates/Summons/Calls, how does one define creatures in terms of spell mechanics. These rules should be flexible enough to address different settings (than Shadow World), different game styles, but still be strict enough to avoid vagueness or excessive rule lawyer-ing.

Since I think it’s impossible to delineate a creature from an animal from a monster in general rule set terms it requires more concrete attributes. Some possible game mechanic criteria:

  1. Creature size. For me, this was the first and foremost important criteria. 1st level spell users shouldn’t be able to “spell” super-large creatures easily, if at all, not matter what their deadliness.
  2. Creature intelligence. This gets to the general difference behind animals and intelligent beings and allows for spell limitations due to intelligence levels.
  3. Creature morality/alignment. Rolemaster doesn’t use alignments, but for settings that do, perhaps limiting spell users on a creatures alignment might make sense.
  4. Creature natural environment. Requiring that a creature is indigenous to the local environment makes sense as well.

I believe that the term “Monster” is just too arbitrary to be useful in game mechanics. Remember, that the “Monster” you just killed probably had a mother somewhere!!!


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